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HAF-based Alive Protocol streams indexer and API server. Indexes Hive from a starting block number for Alive-related custom_json operations using the HAF app sync algorithm.

Required Dependencies

  • nodejs and npm (Latest LTS, v18 minimum supported)
  • Synced HAF node

A locally-running IPFS daemon is recommended for faster chunk fetching.

Database Setup


Applicable to both standalone and Docker installations.

PostgreSQL Roles

CREATE ROLE halive_app WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'halivepass' CREATEROLE INHERIT IN ROLE hive_applications_group;
CREATE ROLE halive_user WITH LOGIN INHERIT IN ROLE hive_applications_group;
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE block_log_testnet TO halive_app;
GRANT halive_user TO halive_app;

PostgREST API methods

psql -f src/sql/create_apis.sql block_log

Standalone Installation


This section describes the steps for a standalone installation, i.e., setting up the application without using Docker containers. If you prefer to use Docker, please refer to the Docker Installation section.

Clone and Install

git clone
cd HAlive
npm i
npm run compile

Then configure HAlive here.


Start HAF indexer

npm start

Run npm run dev instead to start a ts-node dev server without compiling after making any changes.

Start PostgREST server

./scripts/ postgres://halive_app:<halive_app_password>@localhost:5432/block_log <server_port>

Replace <halive_app_password> with the password of halive_app role.

Start Express server

npm run server

Listens to unless specified otherwise in config.


Run npm run dev-server instead to start a ts-node dev server without compiling after making any changes.

Docker Installation

Build Docker Images

git clone
cd HAlive
docker build -t halive_sync --target halive_sync .
docker build -t halive_server --target halive_server .

Then configure HAlive here using the .env file.

Run Containers

Start HAF indexer

docker run -d --rm --network host --name halive-sync --env-file .env halive_sync

Start Express server

docker run -d --rm --network host --name halive-server --env-file .env halive_server

Start PostgREST server

./scripts/ postgres://halive_app:<halive_app_password>@localhost:5432/block_log <server_port>

Replace <halive_app_password> with the password of halive_app role.


Removes all HAlive related schemas, tables and data from the HAF database.

psql -f src/sql/drop_db.sql block_log